Ancestors of Jesse Landes
Proof of Jesse Landes' parents:
Jesse Landes' eldest child was Daniel Andrew Landes (1851 - 1934). In a diary dated 1917-18, Daniel writes [this is presented exactly as written - preservering errors, capitalization, and punctuation]:
My father Jesse Landes was born February 10th 1909 [sic] [it was actually 1809]. he was a wagon maker and a Star Route Mail Contractor.
My Grandfathers name was Jhon [sic] [John] Landes - was a farmer. his first wifes name.(my Grandmother) was Elizabeth Peacock. his Second wife's name was Catherine Buckelty [sic] [Buckley]
Here are some scans of the 1917-18 diary which contains the above citation:
(click on these images to enlarge)
So far no other references to his grandparents have been found, but he does mention his younger brothers and sisiters, uncles, neices and nephews, and cousins.